jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Ham and Tuna?

Many people have been asking me to start a blog about our adventures in Spain and I have been putting if off.  There have been so many things that I have wanted to share that I have discovered are different here so I finally decided to get my act together.  Here we go....

Why did I name the blog Ham and Tuna in Spain?  Well, if you are friends with me on Facebook you will know that I have mentioned several things about the love of ham and tuna here.  I have cracked myself up over it and I guess other people have found my facebook posts humorous too...or annoying. I am in no way making fun of Spaniards for their love of ham and tuna...I just have never loved ham....or tuna really.  I do eat it but just not on everything and certainly not multiple times a week.  I could probably write a whole blog on all the different types of ham here...and maybe I will at some point.

They eat ham sandwiches, tuna sandwiches, tuna in salad, tuna/ham on pizza,  tuna/ham empanadas, ham lasagna, ham calzones, melon wrapped in ham, tuna skewers, ham flavored chips...I could go on and on.  I know, I know--we eat most of that too but just trust me...not as much.

Just in case you are wondering--they do eat many other things here but ham and tuna stand out...as well as boiled eggs and olives.  :-)

Alright,  off to eat a tuna salad.....:-)